About Us

Fyreminders, thank you for learning with us!

Fyremind is a passion project. It was built after we witnessed our children struggle with physical flashcards for schoolwork, and wondered why there isn't a way to practice math and vocabulary with leveling, tutorials, and performance tracking built in.

The goal of Fyremind is to provide a fun and interactive way to keep one's brain sharp, using real-world scenarios that everyone encounters. We want to help you exercise your brain with real challenges, not made-up ones.

Fyremind is yours; its user community makes it work. We want to hear feedback and suggestions, from the details (bug fixes, typos) to the macro ("I need a card for [fill in the blank]"). Use our feedback form and let us know what you think.

Happy Learning!

Release Notes

  • Diagnostic Test: new diagnostic test to assess learner's math abilities using progressive leveling

  • Tips and Bill-split: new 6-level deck for users to practice calculating tip amounts and splitting bills.

  • Leaderboard: updated Leaderboard page so learners can see rankings for specific card deck, including their relative position.

  • New Look & Feel: updated colors and icons for home page to be more consistent with brand colors, and refined card animations.

  • Tip System: on the 'answer' side of cards, a "light bulb" icon and associates multi-page tips now appear when a useful tip applies to the question user just answered.

  • Random carrying: to make math questions more challenging, added random mix of carrying and not carrying for 3+ digit questions (thanks Amy for the feedback)

  • Level Completed: added all levels completed exepreince.

  • Leaderboard: basic Leaderboard page so learners can see top-3 learners for each card deck.

  • User Profile: basic user profile page for info and password updates.

  • Mixed Math Deck: new 12-level deck that mixes cards from additions, subtractions, & multiplications to create a robust basic math practice set.

  • Try Before Signup: new users can now try out Fyremind without signing up.

  • Level Completed: All levels completed exepreince

  • Mobile Keyboard: due to timing issues caused by mobile devices' built-in keyobard, added app keyboard for mobile users.

  • New User Welcome Page: added an improved landing page to introduce users to the app and encourage first use..

  • Basic math decks: add/subtract/multiply decks with leveling built

  • Timer mode: based on feedback from family, added a timer on/off switch.

  • Activity History: shows learner's activities on decks they practiced on (later renamed "Performance")